Are There Addiction Treatment Programs in Costa Mesa, CA?

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Yes, there are addiction treatment programs in Costa Mesa, CA. If you or someone you know is seeking an addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa, read on to learn more.

What Is an Addiction Treatment Program in Costa Mesa?

An addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa (or elsewhere) is intended to help a person recover from addiction. Programs like this span the spectrum of care – from inpatient rehab to partial hospitalization – and can include a range of therapies and supportive services.

People may need addiction treatment for several reasons:

  • Physical dependence — Regular use of drugs or alcohol can lead to physical dependence, where the body adapts to the presence of the substance. When the substance is reduced or stopped, withdrawal symptoms can occur, which can be physically and emotionally challenging.
  • Psychological dependence — Addiction also has a psychological aspect where individuals feel a strong urge or craving to use the substance. This can be due to habits, emotional stress, or as a way of coping with life’s problems. Some drugs with this aspect include marijuana and various psychedelics.
  • Behavioral issues — Substance abuse can lead to various behavioral problems, including difficulty maintaining responsibilities at work or home, legal issues, and strained relationships with family and friends.
  • Health problems — Long-term abuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to significant health issues, including liver disease, heart problems, mental health disorders, and increased risk of various cancers.


The goal of an addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa is not only to help individuals stop using substances but also to return them to productive functioning in their family, workplace, and community. Each person’s treatment and services plan must be tailored to their unique needs and situation.

How Does Substance Abuse Rehab Help?

Substance abuse rehab provides a crucial platform for breaking the cycle of addiction. An addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa, CA not only helps a person get off drugs, but also stay off, by addressing the drivers of addiction and helping to establish healthy habits.

 Rehab also focuses on improving overall physical health through nutritional counseling and physical activities, addressing health issues related to addiction. If you’ve found yourself estranged from your family, family therapy can help you reestablish those connections.

Ultimately, an addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa can help you not only leave drugs and alcohol behind, but also empowers you to live your best life through healthy habits, coping skills, and restored relationships.

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What Substances Can a Treatment Center Help With?

Treatment centers, including those like Southern California Behavioral Health (SCBH), typically offer help for a wide range of drug addictions.

Some of the common substance addictions treated include:

  • Meth Addiction: Treatment involves detoxification, behavioral therapies, and support groups. Methamphetamine is highly addictive, and treatment focuses on managing the psychological aspects of addiction and rebuilding a healthy lifestyle.
  • Cocaine Addiction: Cocaine addiction treatment includes behavioral therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and contingency management, along with group therapy sessions, to address the psychological dependency.
  • Prescription Drug Addiction: This encompasses addiction to prescription medications like painkillers, sedatives, and stimulants. Treatment involves managing withdrawal symptoms, therapy to address the reasons for misuse, and strategies to avoid relapse.
  • Benzodiazepine Addiction: Treatment typically includes a gradual tapering process to safely reduce dependence, coupled with counseling and therapy to address the underlying issues that led to addiction.
  • Opioid Addiction: This includes addiction to prescription opioids and illegal opioids like heroin. Treatment may involve medication-assisted treatment (MAT), behavioral therapies, and support groups.
  • Heroin Addiction: Treatment often combines MAT with other therapies like CBT and group therapy. The focus is on managing withdrawal symptoms and addressing the psychological aspects of addiction.
  • Codeine Addiction: Treatment involves a combination of detoxification, counseling, and support groups. Since codeine is an opioid, MAT may also be used as part of the treatment.
  • Fentanyl Addiction: Given its potency, treatment for fentanyl addiction often requires a carefully managed detox process, followed by long-term therapy and support to address the high risk of relapse.
  • Hydromorphone Addiction: Treatment includes medical detoxification and therapy. Hydromorphone is an opioid, and treatment may include MAT along with individual and group therapies.
  • Hydrocodone Addiction: Another opioid, treatment for this addiction typically involves a combination of detoxification, MAT, behavioral therapy, and counseling. It focuses on managing withdrawal symptoms and preventing relapse.


Each substance addiction requires a tailored approach, addressing both the physical aspects of dependency and the psychological factors contributing to the addiction. Treatment centers like SCBH assess individual needs and provide comprehensive care, including medical, psychological, and social support, to ensure the best chances for successful recovery.

What Happens After Addiction Treatment in Southern California

One of the most important elements to ensuring the progress made during treatment isn’t reversed is known as aftercare.

Aftercare refers to the ongoing support and services people can take advantage of after completing a treatment program. The primary goals of aftercare are to help maintain recovery, prevent relapse, and support the individual’s integration back into everyday life.

Examples can include:

  • Support groups: Participation in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) provides a community of peers who understand the challenges of recovery. These groups offer a platform for sharing experiences and learning from others.
  • Relapse prevention: Aftercare often involves developing a relapse prevention plan which includes identifying triggers, devising coping strategies, and having a clear plan for what to do if relapse occurs.
  • Lifestyle changes: Guidance is often provided on making healthy lifestyle changes, such as developing a regular exercise routine, following a nutritious diet, and engaging in stress-reducing activities.
  • Monitoring and follow-ups: Regular check-ins with healthcare providers or counselors help to monitor the individual’s progress and provide an opportunity to adjust the aftercare plan as needed.
  • Medication management: For some individuals, ongoing medication may be necessary to manage withdrawal symptoms or co-occurring mental health conditions. Medication management ensures that these medications are used safely and effectively.

An addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa can help you select the right aftercare option for your situation.

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Addiction Treatment in Orange County, CA at SCBH

If you are looking for an addiction treatment program in Costa Mesa, CA, South Coast Behavioral Health is here to help. The first step in treating addiction is a medical detox. This means using drugs to manage withdrawal symptoms.

Our medical detox program in California is staffed by caring and compassionate professionals who can provide you with medications to manage your withdrawal symptoms.

At South Coast, we take pride in offering care that is closely tailored to specific issues. To that end, we offer gender-specific detox programs, with medical detox for men in Irvine, CA, and medical detox for women in Huntington Beach, CA.

After detoxing, proper treatment can begin.

Treatment for substance abuse takes place along an entire spectrum of care. Along that entire spectrum are various behavioral therapies, support groups, and the use of medically-assisted treatment (MAT).

These levels of treatment are, in order, as follows:

Residential Treatment in California

After successfully completing medical detox, you’ll receive inpatient treatment in Orange County California. There, you’ll receive medically-assisted treatment and dual diagnosis treatment to deal with any cravings or co-occurring mental health issues you may be battling.

We also offer residential treatment facilities in Costa Mesa, Irvine, and Huntington Beach for those who desire gender-specific treatment. There, patients get round-the-clock medical attention and monitoring while living at the institution full-time.

In addition to individual and group counseling and medication management, you’ll also have access to leisure activities and family support services.

Partial Hospitalization in California

Most clients start substance abuse treatment with South Coast in our residential treatment program. After completing that, many desire something that still provides structure and support, but with extra space and time to oneself. For that, we offer Partial Hospitalization in Newport Beach.

A step down from inpatient care but with more structure than conventional outpatient programs, partial hospitalization offers a good balance for those looking to ease back into normal life. Clients can receive care five to seven days a week for a number of hours each day, returning back to their homes in the evening.

This way, they can recover without putting their daily lives completely on hold, receiving intense therapeutic interventions like group and individual therapy, skill development, and medication management as necessary.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment in California

For those leaving inpatient residential treatment or partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are yet another gradual step forward on the road to recovery.

With a focus on group therapy, individual counseling, and education, clients undergoing Intensive Outpatient Treatment in Newport Beach can meet three to five days a week. Each session lasts three hours.

This level of care requires the least amount of attendance at a facility.

If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol addiction but wonder how long addiction treatment takes or have other questions, call us at 866-811-5249 or contact us here. Our highly qualified staff will be happy to help give you an idea of what to expect from your addiction recovery timeline, help verify your insurance, and assist with any other questions you may have.

Pierce Willans
Kelly McIntyre
Medically Reviewed by Kelly McIntyre, MS, LMFT
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