Building Emotional Intelligence In Recovery

emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a key part of recovery because it helps you process emotions and build healthy relationships. In general, emotions play an incredibly large role in the decisions people make. In early recovery, your emotions may feel all over the place.  Many in recovery learn the hard way that you can’t be fully […]

How to Take Care of Yourself During the Covid-19 Pandemic

take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself during the pandemic is critical to your physical and mental health—especially for people in recovery. Most of the world is still learning how to handle the pandemic that’s been a part of life since 2020. By now, one thing is clear—you are either your greatest ally or your own worst enemy […]

How To Identify and Deal With Emotional Triggers

identify emotional triggers

Our emotions are complex. They change all the time based on what’s happening in the world around us. When someone is in recovery from alcohol or drug abuse, one of the obstacles they face in situations in life that cause the urge to use again. Known as triggers, they can be the result of a […]

Staying Positive in Recovery


Anyone in recovery from substance abuse will tell you that keeping a positive attitude is half the battle. Staying positive is critical for preventing relapse as well as maintaining healthy habits that will help you reach and maintain sobriety. But sometimes that can be difficult. If you or a loved one are going through recovery […]

How To Feel Better When You’re Struggling With Depression

stay positive

When you are struggling with depression, sometimes just getting through the day is a challenge. There are days when you don’t even want to get out of bed and just making breakfast and getting dressed may feel like big achievements. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If you are struggling with depression and substance abuse, […]

What Is Self-Care and Can It Help With Substance Abuse?

self-care is not selfish

There’s no doubt more and more people today feel stressed. A Gallup poll found that 33% of people worldwide reported feelings of stress in 2022 – a record high. It’s no surprise, then, that the concept of self-care has gained more traction in recent years, as more people recognize its importance in maintaining health and […]